Boasting similar features, DonorDock and eTapestry are both nonprofit CRMs that help you manage donors, raise funds, and grow donor relationships.
Created in the 90s, eTapestry's user interface is known to be outdated. DonorDock prioritizes a user-friendly and modern interface to help you simplify your donor management.
Reviews show that eTapestry is expensive, difficult to learn, and outdated feeling. On top of that, customers have to pay more for customer support from eTapestry.
See how DonorDock is better.
Like eTapestry, DonorDock offers a donor management CRM to help you manage your contacts, pull reports, and segment donors. However, DonorDock is more than just a nonprofit CRM. As a donor development platform, DonorDock turns static donor data into donor engagement opportunities.
Are you wasting time on software that is complex and difficult to navigate? As a small team, you need efficient software that is designed with your unique needs in mind.
A clunky software like eTapestry costs your team more in time and labor. Don't waste time sorting through siloed data when you can use a streamlined system like DonorDock.
Let DonorDock take some of the load! Get personalized outreach task recommendations based on your donor data. Smart Nudges from the ActionBoard® help you connect with the right donors at the right time. Whether you choose to assign them to yourself or a team member, these tasks can be effortlessly completed within DonorDock.
Never miss a milestone with DonorDock's ActionBoard®.