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Session Notes: New Updates & Improved DonorDock

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Our session was an open forum to discuss some of the updates that have been made and answer any questions about the layout updates and anything related to DonorDock.

New Updates

You can now Request a Data Back-up.

  • Go to the organization settings
  • Scroll down to the bottom of the settings page to the back-up component
  • Click on Request Back-up (This may take a while but you can keep doing stuff in the background as this runs)
  • When the report is ready you will be notified via email where you will be able to click on Download my backup
  • Open up the zip file and review and/or save down the CSV back up file(s)

You can now Track Your Communication

  • When you use track@donordock.com and cc other contacts in the email, an activity will be created in those copied contacts if there is a match in DonorDock to that email. If there is a differing email address, a new contact will be created.

Things to Come

  • It was brought to our attention that the size of the forms, particularly larger ones like the contact and gift form are too small. Our team is currently working on a solution to update these form sizes so that the integrity of the slide out is still there but more fields can be seen at once.
  • Track@donordock.com and the Action Board
    If you have the action board notifications in your My Profile set to on, you will receive a summary email of the outstanding action items assigned to you.

    We plan to take that a step further and allow you to click on an email action that will open an email to include track@donordock.com. This will in turn create an activity in the contact’s record and close out the action board item directly from that email.

    We will look into adding other links to close out other activities directly from the recap, like calls, meetings, etc.
  • Donor Profile report
    Generate giving history, lifetime amount, roll-ups of their household employer into a printable report.

Questions and Answers

Q: If you BCC contacts when sending a personal email with track@donordock.com will activities be created for those BCC’d contacts?

A: This is feature makes sense to us and one we’ve looked into. The research we’ve completed shows that we aren’t able to read these blind copies because of the intent of the email blind copy. It is still a feature we will consider and continue to research but not something we can do at this time.

Custom Software and Development

The DonorDock team has provided custom development to customers in the past based on their needs. We are just now beginning to offer turn-key website solutions to new and existing customers.

If you have any questions about custom development, support for setting up integrations, website creation and delivery, etc. be sure to reach out to sales@donordock.com or info@donordock.com.

Matt Bitzegaio
Co-Founder | CEO
Written by
Matt Bitzegaio
Co-Founder | CEO

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