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Ep. 11 | A New Spin on Social Proof, an interview with Dave Norris, CEO of ProofPact

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Our Guest: Dave Norris, CEO of ProofPact

About Dave: Dave is a former digital agency owner who found himself eventually working exclusively with nonprofits. It was then he recognized the importance of social proof and storytelling for nonprofits, with the result being the creation of ProofPact.

(2:00) Common theme in struggles of nonprofit storytelling

(3:06) Storytelling across multiple platforms

“Lift up your community and be inclusive of your community, and when you do that, you are essentially creating content they’re going to want to share and socialize themselves to. Opening that door is really powerful.” - Dave Norris

(5:25) Platforms/mediums with the best results

(7:57) Mastadon, a decentralized social network

(9:10) Measuring effectiveness of story marketing

[12:15] AI’s potential for helping nonprofits

[15:25] AI & Post-donation follow-up

[18:00] Effectiveness of AI with users

[19:25] Concerns with/about AI

Dave’s Pro Tip: Don't be afraid to lean on your community. Don’t be afraid to ask them for things (donations, sure) and ask them for their story.

More About Dave Norris:

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Elisha Ford
Content Writer
Written by
Elisha Ford
Content Writer

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