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Ep. 06 | From Pandemic Pitfalls to Philanthropic Windfalls interview with Rachel Cardwell, Friends of the Children - Central Oregon

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Our Guest: Rachel Cardwell, Executive Director, Friends of the Children Central Oregon

About Friends of the Children Central Oregon: While FOTC has been around for about 30 years, with the original chapter being founded in Portland, OR, Rachel has been with FOTCCO for the last five years. She is leading this chapter in the journey of it growing from startup mode to something more stable. Friends of the Children Central Oregon serves three counties and focuses on amplifying the voice of the children it serves in their various communities.

(3:20) Explanation of the Model and function of FOTC

(5:30) Only professional mentoring program currently in the country.

(11:30) Managing the pandemic

(12:30) Moved into a virtual mentoring space, incorporating caregiver and parent outreach

(14:40) Philanthropic Windfall from MacKenzie Scott Foundation

(14:58) “That may have been the best day of my professional career!”

Golden BTD Nugget (18:52):
“Right after that feeling of relief came the weight of responsibility that we had to invest these dollars in ways that would make the biggest impact for youth in our region.”

(22:00) Challenges FOTC OR is facing

(25:30) More about working with private foundations

Rachel’s Pro Tip: The most successful tool is in story-telling. The way you tell your story has to be compelling. Find the best story-teller on your team, and allow your donors to feel the part they play in your organization’s impact.

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Elisha Ford
Content Writer
Written by
Elisha Ford
Content Writer

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