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We have many channels in which we gather our customer feedback: one-on-one meetings, user group sessions, email, our support desk, and Feature UpVote. We want you to know we hear you and we are using some of that feedback RIGHT NOW to help us plan our next release of features!

If you haven’t attended one of our DonorDock weekly training sessions yet, you may have missed out on a sneak preview of our designs for some system enhancements. Don’t worry though, because this reveal will be worth the surprise!

Our next release is planned for July 13th and our theme is all about the details.  Here are some nuggets of information to let you know what we are up to.  

Relationship Tracking

As a first order of business, we will be addressing the gap that requires some organizations to spend administrative hours to manually track their donor relationships. We agree that having this powerful data about your donors is advantageous when interacting with them.

Development is underway to give you a more automated experience to help you track those relationships from donor to organization and donor to household. With the changes, you will be able to see the interconnections of these relationships from a bird’s eye view and have the ability to easily navigate from one record to the other.

Document Management

Our plans with document management is exactly that. While the feature may not be extremely complex or spicy, it is very necessary!

As a leader in donor CRM platforms it is important to us that you have data that is organized and readily at your fingertips.  With this feature you will be able to store selected file types to your donor, gift, and activity details pages providing you with another way to store your data in one platform.


Common requests we receive are about reporting. There isn’t necessarily one issue we get often or one idea to make the reporting more user friendly and easily accessible for your needs. So, we have documented your feedback and analyzed ways that we can make this experience a little better for everyone.

If you are like me, you probably prefer pictures or bullets, compartmentalized and/or organized information. That is exactly what we will be doing in this next release.

We will be eliminating the need for multiple clicks by removing the Load Reports dropdown and instead providing you with a list view of all the system generated reports organized by contact, gift and activity. If you have created and saved your own reports, you will see those in a list view as well, under custom reports.  

In an effort to continuously improve DonorDock, in particular reporting, you will be able to submit a request via the suggestion box from the reports page allowing you to request a report not listed.  


Really cool things are being released this upcoming month! Some of which we have sitting in our parking lot (not in our literal parking lot). Let me explain: with all of our project sprints, we plan for what we know we can complete as a team, barring no major issues. If time allows, we will pull in additional work, from our parking lot, for development.

While I can’t give those away just yet, know that we have tee’d up some specific requests we’ve received. Some of which can be tracked via the status in Feature UpVote. Stay tuned! We are excited to keep making DonorDock even better for you!

The DonorDock Team
Written by
The DonorDock Team

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