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Setup Text-to-donate easily inside your DonorDock donation form. Here's a picture of the form.

How does Text-to-Donate work?

When someone sends a keyword text message to your DonorDock Number, a reply will automatically be sent with a link to your giving page.

If the contact's number is linked to a contact in your database, then an activity will automatically be created for that contact's record. See the text messages on the contact's profile and activity reports for a full picture of how donors engage with your nonprofit.

Text-to-Donate is available across all DonorDock subscription tiers, while Text outreach tools such as Bulk Texting and individual conversations are only available on Essentials and Professional subscription levels.

Text-to-donate text message example. The sender sent "donate" to a specific number. A response automatically came in with a link to a DonorDock donation form page with a message that says "Thank you for supporting Dream Kids!"
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5-star rating
from 154+ reviews

"It isn't a sales tool, it's a connection tool. Other platforms focus on leads and sales, and this has space for donations, memorial gifts, In-Kind gifts, anonymous gifts, and so much more."

Jennifer B

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